Improving girls’ rights to education is one of the main goals of the Tanzanian national education coalition. In one community, a small group of parents are coming together to ensure their girls are able to stay in school.

Comprehensive sexual education is needed to solve some of the most urgent problems in Bolivia. To push for this change, the Bolivian Campaign for the Right to Education must first try to break taboos around sex – luckily, they may have found a way to do so.

On September 2, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) approved an additional US$17.3 million for Education Out Loud to support national education coalitions in their education advocacy and social accountability work.

Girls’ access to education around the world is improving steadily. However, in the experience of the national education coalition, GNECC in Ghana, access is only the first step towards transforming gender structures in the formal education system of Ghana.

During 2020 the number of displaced people worldwide set new records, highlighting the need for immediate action to secure education in displacement. Civil society plays a key role in addressing the devastating impacts of displacement on children’s continued learning.

The alliance consisting of the organisations MSIS-Tatao, Ravintsara, MonEPT, and DRV in Madagascar is implementing one of five new projects which have recently been awarded an EOL grant.

This call for Expression of Interest is to establish a roster of Learning Partners in Asia Pacific Region for Education Out Loud Programme (EOL), the CSO advocacy and social accountability funding mechanism of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Application should be received by no later than 15th October 2021.

The alliance consisting of the organisations I-SAPS and CRCP in Pakistan is implementing one of five new projects which have recently been awarded an EOL grant.

The alliance consisting of the organisations CYAN and G-Watch in the Philippines is implementing one of five new projects which have recently been awarded an EOL grant.

The alliance consisting of the organisations HOPE, Carefound-Liberia, and Paramount Young Women Initiative is implementing one of five new projects which have recently been awarded an EOL grant.