OC1: National Education Coalitions
Advocating for the Right to Inclusive and Equitable Education
Partner: Associação de Actores Sociais Chave de Saber Angola (AASCS- EPT)
The project will advocate for the right to inclusive, equitable education to be incorporated in the Angolan Constitution through CSO capacity building and creating dialogue spaces.
Strengthen civil society engagement in inclusive and gender responsive education
Partner: Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE)
CAMPE will enhance CSO capacities to effectively engage in education advocacy and gender responsive education planning processes, to support the most marginalised learners of Bangladesh.
Strengthening Civil Society Influence to Promote Inclusive, Quality Education for All
Partner: Coalition Béninoise des Orgnisations pour l’Education pour Tous (CBO-EPT)
CBO-EPT will conduct advocacy initiatives to boost inclusive political dialogues and improve performance indicators of basic quality education in two departments of Benin.
For the Human Right to Quality and Inclusive Education with a Gender Focus in Bolivia
The project will strengthening civil society to enforce the human right to education, as well as promote gender equality, prevent violence at school, and provide comprehensive sexual education.
Strengthening Social Mobilisation for the Enrolment and re-Enrolment of Marginalised Children
Partner: Coalition Nationale pour l’Education Pour Tous du Burkina Faso (CN-EPT/BF)
Through awareness raising, monitoring, and advocacy efforts the project will enhance funding for education in emergencies, and ensure the right to education for marginalised children.
A Loud Voice for Equitable and Inclusive Education: "NDINKABANDI III”
Partner: Coalition for Education for All (BAFASHEBIGE)
The coalition will strengthen commitments to develop, implement, and monitor inclusive and gender sensitive education policies, particularly to address education in emergencies.
One Voice for Inclusive and Quality Education in Cabo Verde
Partner: Rede Nacional de Campanha da Educação para Todos, Cabo Verde (RNCEPT-CV)
The project advocates for better pre-school education, a more inclusive and gender sensitive education system, and improved educational infrastructure to ensure quality education for all.
Strengthening quality of educational policy dialogue and delivery
Partner: NGO Education Partnership (NEP) Cambodia
NEP will conduct evidence-based advocacy and increase representation in education policy dialogues, to enhance the quality of education and learning opportunities for the most marginalised.
Strengthen civil society engagement in education policy planning and monitoring
Partner: Cameroon Education for All Network (CEFAN)
CEFAN will enhance its evidence-based advocacy and increase its capacity to influence policy makers to increase its effectiveness in driving the desired changes in the education system.
For a second chance school for street children (PESCER)
Partner: Coalition des Organisations de la Société Civile pour le Developpement de l’Education au Tchad (COSOCIDE-TCHAD)
The project aims to strengthen, if not accelerate, the various institutional processes and mechanisms for achieving the goals of education for all and poverty reduction.
Contributing to the transformation of education in Côte d’Ivoire
Partner: Ivorian Network for the Promotion of Education for All (RIP-EPT)
RIP-EPT will strengthen advocacy to improve school attendance by disadvantaged groups and monitor education sector plans to promote positive changes in the education system.
Advocacy and Social Responsibility for Improving Access to Quality Education
Partner: Coalition Nationale de l’Education Pour Tous (CONEPT RDC)
This project aims to actively engage civil society in policy dialogue on education and thus ensure quality basic education that is equitable, inclusive, resilient and sensitive to gender equality.
Safe, inclusive schools for all
Partner: Egyptian Union for Educational Policies and Research
In partnership with civil society the project will work to improve national education plans, to ensure adequate education in emergency situations and responsiveness to marginalised groups.
Increasing Access to Inclusive Quality Education and Learning Opportunities for All
Partner: Swaziland Network Campaign for Education for All (SWANCEFA)
SWANCEFA is working to influence education sector policies, plans, and budgets to ensure access to inclusive and equitable quality education for marginalised groups.
Strengthening the CSO/NGO engagement & operational space in Ethiopia
Partner: Basic Education Network-Ethiopia (BEN-E)
Through policy advocacy and influencing in six regions of Ethiopia, the project will improve quality education in emergency situations, to attain a gender just and inclusive education system.
Promoting Enabling Environment to Advance Quality Learning Outcomes for Girls and SENDs
Partner: Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC)
To contribute to effective education policies formulation, implementation and mechanisms for Gender Equality, Inclusive Education, and Quality Teaching and Learning in public pre-tertiary institutions in Ghana.
Supporting the strengthening of educational governance in Guinea
Partner: Coalition Nationale de Guinée pour l'Education Pour Tous (CNG/EPT)
The project will strengthen civil society to enhance the inclusiveness and gender sensitivity of education policies and build inclusive, transparent, and effective education governance.
Improvement of Quality and Inclusive Education
Partner: Campaign Network for Education for All Guinea-Bissau (RECEPT-GB)
RECEPT-GB will contribute to strengthening the commitment of civil society in the planning, development and monitoring of education policies, with special emphasis on gender equality and inclusion.
Supporting the development of advocacy capacities for a better public education system in Haiti
Partner: Regroupement Education Pour Toutes et Tous (REPT)
The project will contribute to strengthening the public education system in Haiti through evidence gathering and strengthening the advocacy capacities of civil society organisations.
Raising the voice of free public education in Honduras
Partner: Foro Dakar Honduras
The project will mobilise civil society to demand greater increase of public education budgets that are gender sensitive, and ultimately bring about change to the education system of Honduras.
Strengthen civil society engagement in increasing education financing and access
Partner: Network for Education Watch Indonesia (NEW Indonesia)
The project will increase the access and education financing to ensure inclusive education, especially for learners from poor families, victims of gender-based violence, and children with disabilities.
Enhancing civil society engagements in gender responsive processes of educational transformation
Partner: Elimu Yetu Coalition
The coalition is working to enhance the role of civil society in education development, implementation, and monitoring, to build a more inclusive and gender responsive education system.
Strengthen civil society engagement for accessible, quality, and inclusive education for all
Partner: Association for Education Development in Kyrgyzstan (AED)
The project will strengthen education networks of CSOs to engage in education sector planning, monitoring, and policy dialogue in Kyrgyzstan, as well as advocacy at regional level.
Towards an equitable and inclusive education system that embraces gender dynamism in Lesotho
Partner: Lesotho Council of Non-Governmental Organisations (LCN)
Through capacity building and focussing on opening a shrinking civic space, LCN aims to promote an education system that provides equal opportunities for all learners in Lesotho.
Civil Society Influence Project to Improve the Resilience of the Education Sector in Madagascar
Partner: Coalition Nationale Malgache pour l'Education pour Tous (CONAMEPT)
The project will contribute to enhance civil society influence in favour of a high-quality education system resilient to climate change and guaranteeing the right to education for all.
Malawi Inclusive Education Advocacy Project
Partner: Civil Society Education Coalition, Malawi (CSEC)
The project will strengthen CSEC’s engagement and influence in education policies and increase enrolment rates, retention, and access to education for girls and children with disabilities.
Strengthening inclusive and gender sensitive education in Mauritania
Partner: Coalition des Organisations Mauritaniennes pour l’Education (COMEDUC)
To help increase the involvement of national civil society in the implementation and monitoring of education policies in Mauritania, with an emphasis on inclusion and gender.
Civil society for the right to education for all children in Moldova
Partner: Alliance of Active NGOs in the field of Child and Family Social Protection (APSCF)
APSCF will build capacity of CSOs for their meaningful participation in policy development processes and improved advocacy, to ensure access to quality education for all children in Moldova.
Enhancing the enjoyment of the right to education in Mongolia
Partner: All for Education! National Civil Society Coalition (AFE)
The project will enhance policy advocacy and transparency at school levels, to improve the quality of education, educational outcomes, resource allocation, and decision-making processes.
Advocacy for change: a more inclusive and equitable National Education System
Partner: Movimento de Educação Para Todos (MEPT)
To ensure that all children (including those in conflict and emergency situations) have access to public, inclusive, equitable and quality education.
CSO’s ALERT (Advocacy, Learning, Empowerment and Transparency) for Education Accountability
Partner: National Campaign for Education Nepal (NCE Nepal)
The overall aim of the project is to strengthen civil society, especially in advocating and influencing the development of inclusive and gender responsive education policies in Nepal.
Working together for inclusive, quality education policies in Niger (APEQ-Niger)
Partner: Coalition Nigérienne des Associations, Syndicats et ONG de Campagne EPT (ASO EPT Niger)
The project will mobilise civil society in collective action to increase resources and funding for education, as well as the gender sensitivity of education policies and programmes.
The Strengthening Social Accountability Project
Partner: Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA)
Through capacity building and learning collaboratives, the project will strengthen CSOs in promoting social accountability, inclusion, and gender equality in Nigeria’s education plans, policies, and budgets.
Transforming Education Together: Enhancing Policy Influence, Accountability, and Inclusion
Partner: Pakistan Coalition for Education (PCE)
Through policy advocacy, social accountability and capacity strengthening the project will influence policy processes to achieve resilient, equitable, quality education for all children in Pakistan.
Contributing to a more gender responsive, inclusive, and equitable education policy.
PNG Education Advocacy Network (PEAN)
PEAN will build the capacities of civil society to advocate for and increase focus on education policy and programmes for out of school youths, marginalised and vulnerable groups.
Strengthening CSOs capacity to ensure safe, quality, equitable, inclusive and gender responsive education for all
Partner: Civil Society Network for Education Reforms, Inc. (E-Net Philippines)
The project will empower members and stakeholders to effectively advocate for the specific needs of marginalised groups and influence education related decision-making processes.
Strengthening civil society participation in inclusive and gender responsive education planning and policy processes
Partner: Rwanda Education For All Coalition (REFAC)
REFAC will build the capacity of coalition members, to promote their engagement and participation in education matters and ensure the inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups.
Contributing to a more inclusive and equitable Samoan education system
Partner: Samoa Education Network (SEN)
The project works to strengthen SEN in improving government education policies, budget, and programme development processes to better address the needs of marginalised groups in Samoa.
Spotlight on vulnerable voices
Partner: Coalition des Organisations en Synergie pour la Défense de l’Education Publique (COSYDEP)
COSYDEP will strengthen the national civil society in supporting public education policies by creating more inclusive environments that are sensitive to vulnerability and gender equality.
Accelerating CSO policy engagement for gender responsive and special needs education
Partner: Education for All Sierra Leone (EFA-SL)
EFA-SL aims to engage civil society in addressing discriminatory practices in the education system and ensure a more progressive, inclusive, and gender responsive policy agenda for all children.
Towards a more gender inclusive, equitable and effective education system in the Solomon Islands
Partner: Coalition for Education Solomon Islands (COESI)
The project will engage civil society in education planning, particularly to create inclusive early childhood and care education policies and appropriate contextual curricula to include vernaculars.
Pacifying the Education Inequality Gap
Partner: Somaliland Network on Education for All (SOLNEFA)
To improve the access to education for vulnerable and marginalised children the project will address issues of education financing, inclusion, and community participation, and enhance CSO capacities.
Enhancing equitable access to quality and inclusive education
Partner: Education for All Somalia Coalition (EFASOM)
EFASOM will engage civil society actors and local communities in holding the government accountable and promote the right to inclusive education for vulnerable children in Somalia.
Strengthening Gender Transformative Education Policy in South Sudan
Partner: National Education Coalition in South Sudan
The project will contribute to the implementation of education plans and policies that tackles barriers for girls and children with disabilities to access education.
Strengthening CSO advocacy for public education reforms in Sri Lanka
Partner: Coalition for Educational Development (CED)
The project will capacitate CSOs to meaningfully participate in government efforts to transform education and create inclusive and gender sensitive policy formation at all levels in Sri Lanka.
Promotion of quality and inclusive education for all in a lifelong learning framework
Partner: Alliance of CSOs in Tajikistan for Education (ACTE)
Through this project, ACTE will work to improve its inclusiveness and capacities in advocacy and gender responsive education, as well as sustain its advocacy engagement at national and local level.
Strengthen engagement in inclusive and gender responsive education policy
Partner: Tanzania Education Network/Mtandao wa Elimu Tanzaia (TEN/MET)
The project will establish strategic partnerships, advocate for increased budget allocation, and engage in policy dialogues to promote inclusive quality education in Tanzania.
Strengthening National Civil Society’s Contribution to Inclusive and Gender Responsive Education.
Partner: Education For All Campaign Network (EFANet) The Gambia
This project will contribute to increase inclusive and gender-responsive education policy development, implementation, and monitoring on access for learners with disabilities.
Supporting education advocacy in Timor-Leste
Partner: Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP)
The project will strengthen CSEP’s membership in monitoring, policy advocacy, and programme implementation to influence and engage in education policy processes.
Project to support quality and equitable education for children in Togo (PAEQET-TOGO)
Partner: Coalition Nationale Togolaise pour l’Education Pour Tous (CNT/EPT)
CNT/EPT will strengthen civil society in evidence-based advocacy and monitoring, and influence education laws and policies to reduce disparities in the education system of Togo.
Capacity Building of the Tunisian National Education Coalition
Partner: La Coalition Éducative Tunisienne (CET)
CET will work towards strengthening the role of Tunisian educational civil society and the national education coalition, to enhance their impact on educational policies.
Leave No Child Behind: Engaged Communities for a Better Education
Partner: Forum for Education NGOs in Uganda (FENU)
By empowering community members to challenge structures of inequality in education, the project will increase access to schools for marginalised children in two target districts of Uganda.
Contributing to inclusive, equitable, accessible, and quality-focused education in Vanuatu
Partner: Kolisen Blong Leftemap Edukesen (KoBLE)
KoBLE will strengthen its organisational sustainability and capacities, as well as conduct advocacy to improve education policies and lobby to increase the educational support.
Sustaining the strategic capabilities of VAEFA to advocate for inclusive and gender responsive education
Partner: Vietnam Association for Education for All (VAEFA)
The project will strengthen VAEFA as a platform for CSOs to effectively advocate for inclusive, gender-responsive, equitable, and resilient quality education, and improve education policies.
Strengthening marginalised groups in Yemen
Partner: Yemeni Coalition for Education for All (YCEA)
YCEA works to increase the access to education for marginalised children in three governorates of Yemen, as well as enhance their participation and inclusion in society.
Strengthening Policy Response to Inclusive and Gender Responsive Education in Zambia (SPRInG)
Partner: Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC)
Through a participatory approach, involving a broad range of stakeholders, the SPRInG project will address barriers to marginalised children’s access and completion of education in Zambia.
Strengthened CSO advocacy to ensure transparency and effectiveness
Partner: Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI)
The project will strengthen CSO advocacy capacities to ensure transparency and effectiveness in the formulation and implementation of national transformational education policies in Zimbabwe.
OC2: CSOs working at national level
E!quality 2.0
Lead organisation: Institute of Informatics and Development (IID)
The e!quality 2.0 project aims to build a resilient, inclusive, and future-ready education system, by promoting social accountability, gender equality, and fiscal transparency.
Strengthening CSOs for Policy Accountability and Implementation (PRO-RePEM)
Lead organisation: DEDRAS
The project will strengthen national civil society to promote transparency, accountability, and education system policies to increase the supply of quality, equitable, inclusive, and emergency-resilient education.
Equitable access to training opportunities in the agro-pastoral sector
Lead organisation: Association des Personnes Rénovatrices des Technologies Traditionnelles (APRETECTRA)
The project works to promote a national consensus between the state and civil society actors to make progress in the fight for gender equality in agro-pastoral sector and training courses.
Interculturality, multi-lingualism, and depatriarchialisation of education in Bolivia
Lead organisation: Fundación Privada de Fieles Centro De Multiservicios Educativos (CEMSE)
The project works to advance right to a life free of violence and to quality education for children and adolescents in the Aymara, Quechua and Guarani regions of Bolivia, which are challenged by the cultural and linguistic diversity of the country.
Citizen-Led Action for Educational Accountability and Responsiveness (CLEAR)
Lead organisation: School for Life (SFL)
The CLEAR project will contribute to equal access to quality basic education for children in deprived areas of Ghana by strengthening transparency and accountability.
Educate HER 2- Promoting Gender Equity and Equality in Education in Liberia
Lead organisation: Helping Our People Excel (HOPE)
The project seeks to improve the implementation and monitoring of the National Policy for Girls Education to ensure adequate funds and improve monitoring and accountability of county and national stakeholders.
The SCORE project (Citizen Monitoring of Transparency and Accountability in Education)
Lead organisation: MSIS-TATAO
The project will capacity build school committees, CSO’s, and school leaders in monitoring and enhancing transparency and accountability to increase children’s access to quality education services.
Citizen-led monitoring of learning and social accountability in education in Mozambique
Lead organisation: FACILIDADE - Instituto para Cidadania e Desenvolvimento Sustentável
The project aims to collect, process, analyse, and share evidence on learning outcomes and social inclusion as well as how public funds are spent in the education sector in Mozambique.
Civil Society Empowerment for Accountable Education (CSE)
Lead organisation: Karkhana Samuha
The project will equip CSOs to effectively utilize data for civic mobilisation, advocacy, and policy-making to boost transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in Nepal’s education sector.
Reframing Education Accountability in Pakistan (REAP)
Lead organisation: Institute of Social and Political Sciences (I-SAPS)
The REAP project aims to strengthen the capacity and participation of civil society and build a robust education system through multi-level accountability of education policies, plans, and financing.
Multiply-Ed 2.0
Lead organisation: Center for Youth Advocacy and Networking (CYAN), Inc
The Multiply-Ed 2.0 will work through youth-led initiatives to ensure resilient, accessible, gender-responsive, and accountable education governance focused on marginalised learners, particularly at Senior High School Level.
Lead organisation: Haki Elimu
The project seeks to address the lack of government accountability and transparency in inclusive education policies and enhance inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all children in Tanzania.
Strengthening engagement for equitable budget allocation for public education in Uganda
Lead organisation: Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CS-BAG)
The project will work to improve public investments and strengthen governance and accountability in order to obtain equitable learning for all children in Uganda.
Promoting transparency and accountability in inclusive education policies for children with disabilities in Vietnam
Lead organisation: Microfinance and Community Development Institute (MACDI)
The project will create strong mechanisms for CSOs to promote transparency and accountability in the implementation of inclusive education policies for children with disabilities in Vietnam.
OC3: Transnational alliances
Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage
Lead organisation: Girls Not Brides
Short description: The project is addressing the interlinked problems of high levels of early child marriage and girls out-of-school in countries in Francophone West Africa.
The TRANAC Project
Lead organisation: Zimbabwe Network for Early Childhood Development (ZINECDA)
The project seeks to strengthen Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) networks and improve ECDE legislation, policies, strategies, and services in Southern Africa.

Global Campaign for Education
Lead organisation: Global Campaign for Education, South Africa
The project focuses on holding states and the international community accountable for education financing and provision of education for all, including during times of emergencies and crises.
The Kuyenda Collective
Lead organisation: Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM)
The Kuyenda Collective is working to improve rural youths right to education by supporting Rural Youth Councils in coordinating a common transnational advocacy agenda.
Girls Education Advocacy in the Region Phase 2 (GEAR 2.0)
Lead organisation: Students and Youth Working on reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWHAT), Zimbabwe
The GEAR project is working to create inclusive and equitable education systems for girls and young women in rural and farming communities in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The Tax and Education Alliance (TaxEd)
Lead organisation: Action Aid International
The TaxEd Alliance is working to ensure adequate domestic financing of education sectors in Nepal, Senegal, and Zambia, and hold duty-bearers accountable to their commitments.