The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), a joint endeavor with Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity. This call is seeking proposals from individual organizations, or consortia of multiple organizations, to become implementing partners in the new GPE KIX Regional Observatories on Education System Resilience initiative.

As part of the KIX initiative, the KIX Africa 21 hub led by AUF, CONFEMEN and IFEF-OIF, and the KIX Africa 19 hub led by the Commission of the African Union, UNESCO and UNICEF ESARO, co-organize the 3rd edition of the GPEKIX Continental Symposium on Education Research in Africa.

Read how improvements are being made in the lives of displaced children at Kouim Kouli B primary school in Burkina Faso, thanks to support from GPE’s Education Out Loud, and the commitment of local government and development partners.

The KIX EMAP Hub, in partnership with the University of Dhaka, Institute of Education and Research, will host the KIX Bangladesh National Uptake Forum in-person on 10 and 11 June.

To provide a framework for how the EOL programme works with inclusion and gender issues, we are proud to announce the ‘EOL policy guidance note on inclusion and gender equality’: A succinct overview to how inclusion and gender concepts are operationalized in EOL in support of the significant role of civil society in advancing these agendas.

Indonesia needed clear regulatory guidance on preventing and dealing with violence at schools. The efforts of civil society organizations encouraged the government to adopt regulations to address this problem.

We're excited to share how collaboration is driving impactful change in education advocacy, particularly in gender-responsive budgeting, in Pakistan. At Education Out Loud, we believe in the power of partnerships to amplify our collective impact to support the development and awareness on girls’ inclusion.

With the support of Education Out Loud, the Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education is proud to present six straightforward guidelines for the institutional development on advocacy and social accountability. These guidelines are the direct outcome of a collaborative learning initiative among Portuguese-speaking national education coalitions, facilitated by RELUS.

How much do we know about the difference civil society makes in shaping education? A team at the Accountability Research Center published a Brief highlighting relevant literature and achievements from the last couple of decades with key takeaways for donors, governments and CSOs alike.

Civil society organizations play a critical role in shaping education policies. Read how GPE’s Education Out Loud, now in its 5th year, is supporting civil society to monitor education policy and budget implementation, and to use evidence to propose solutions at local, regional and global levels.