OC1.3: Kyrgyzstan

Strengthen civil society engagement for accessible, quality, and inclusive education for all

The vision of Association for Education Development in Kyrgyzstan (AED) is to promote access to quality education, which in the long term shall contribute to sustainable development. This project will contribute to AED's overall vision, by enhancing access to equitable, inclusive and gender transformative education through strengthened education networks of CSOs engaged in education sector planning and monitoring, and policy dialogues. 

In Kyrgyzstan children with disabilities remain the most vulnerable group in terms of accessing education. Despite an increase by 8 pct. in the enrolment of children with disabilities, they still only account for 2 pct. of the total number of students in general education schools. 

The project of AED will be carried out through four main strategies: 

  1. Conducting research: To demonstrate the need for implementing mechanisms to enforce legislation ensuring equal access to education for all. The research will include interviews and surveys with marginalised groups, collecting statistical data, documenting gender and age-based discrimination, and assess the impact of laws and policies. 

  2. Mobilising the public: By engaging, motivating, and involving the public to exert pressure for educational reforms. This strategy will also include activities of awareness campaigns and mobilisation through media, as well as enable communities to voice concerns and provide recommendations to local authorities. 

  3. Expanding coalitions and creating networks: Aiming at building capacity, increase resources and share expertise. Broad collaboration across interest groups, also beyond civil society, will lead to more active advocacy and better influencing of decision makers.  

  4. Lobbying and consultations: Informing decision-makers at various levels and lobbying for relevant changes through active participation in legislative, executive, and governmental processes. 

Overall, these strategies will contribute to the overall aim of strengthening the role of civil society and its effective interaction with various stakeholders. The project intends to strengthen the involvement of civil society in the planning of the education sector, policy dialogue and monitoring of implemented policies. 

The project is a continuation of the previous project phase implemented between April 2022 – December 2023, and will build on the lessons learned, as well as address new challenges to the education system. 

The project is committed to exploring approaches that promote meaningful inclusion and gender issues, and will base its work on the principle that children, youth, and adults with disabilities have the right to meaningful, quality education. By involving local communities and addressing their needs and involving key stakeholders in program development and implementation sustainable results beyond the project phase will be ensured. Furthermore, the project will develop a strong communication strategy to share the project results with a broad audience and strengthen the self-sufficiency of the AED network and the longevity of its work. 

A previous phase of the project was implemented between April 2022 – December 2023. The current project is part of the EOL extension phase of 2024-2026. Read more about the first phase of the project here

Project facts

Project period

Project start
Project end
Project countries
Project budget
290.000 USD
Project regions
Project contact
Bashirova Masuma, arok.kyrgyzstan@gmail.com