Five civil society organisations and their consortium partners have been selected for grants from Education Out Loud to support civil society’s role in promoting the transparency and accountability of national education sector policy and implementation.

One week before the Global Education Summit, taking place on July 28-29 and hosted by the United Kingdom and Kenya, civil society across the African continent have mobilized massively, coming together to sign an Open letter to African Heads of State.

Ahead of the Global Education Summit 2021, Education For All Coalition in Sierra Leone, funded under Education Out Loud, held the "Speaking Youth to Power" event in collaboration with a number of international organisations. The event aimed to demand more resources for education now and to empower youth voices in education planning.

In April 2020 the first ten applicants were chosen as recipients of support during Year Zero. We are now happy to announce that nine more transnational alliances have been selected to receive support from Education Out Loud to develop their full proposals during the Year Zero process.

The second and final group of national civil society organisations (CSOs) under Operational Component 2 (OC2) has been selected to undergo the Year Zero process.

The IDRC, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the LEGO Foundation invite proposals from individual organizations, or consortia of organizations, for projects to generate and mobilize knowledge to enable national education systems in developing countries to address challenges associated with two targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Deadline: August 23, 2021

Street Child and partners are one of five new transnational alliances that have recently been awarded with an EOL grant.

ZINECDA and partners are one of five new transnational alliances that have recently been awarded with an EOL grant.

Despite increasing global attention towards inclusive education, children living with disabilities are often still left behind. Learn how the national education coalitions in Togo, Lesotho, and Vietnam work to ensure that children with disabilities are included in education policies and efforts.

The Global Campaign for Education and partners is one of five new transnational alliances that have recently been awarded with an EOL grant.