Monitoring of inclusive and equitable education in vulnerable populations | Education Out Loud
OC1.2: Bolivia

Monitoring of inclusive and equitable education in vulnerable populations

The main problems are that in Bolivia there are gaps in access to inclusive, equitable and quality education for vulnerable populations; and there is little evidence of attention to specific needs and educational quality in the Education System and in the Education Policy for the fulfilment of the human right to education and SDG-4.

This situation is compounded by the absence of spaces for dialogue and participation between decision-makers and organised and strengthened civil society. Faced with this problem, the main objective has been to "contribute to the strengthening of organisational capacities and political dialogue of civil society for the exercise of the right to inclusive, equitable and quality education and the fulfilment of SDG4 for vulnerable populations in the Bolivian education system".

From an intervention approach based on the theory of change, adaptive management and a focus on rights and gender, we aim to achieve the following specific objectives;

  1. Identified national and departmental (regional) educational needs, demands and expectations to contribute to educational quality and the human right to education in the plurinational state of Bolivia.A system of follow-up, evaluation and monitoring of inclusive and equitable educational quality will be implemented through research, state of the art, light report on SDG4 and the strengthening of the Educational Observatory where information is generated and disseminated on the educational problems of the different educational levels and modalities linked to the SDG4 targets, on the other hand, dialogue, analysis and proposal meetings with actors of the educational community and civil society institutions will be promoted.
  2. Identified national and departmental (regional) educational needs, demands and expectations of vulnerable populations to contribute to educational quality and the human right to education in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The platform of the Bolivian Campaign for the Right to Education will be strengthened at national and departmental level with discourses, educational approaches and educational policy agendas aimed at influencing regulations and improving intervention programmes, worked on through political advocacy plans by thematic roundtables or local learning cooperatives. It is also linked to capacity-building workshops.
  3. Suggestions and alternatives for improving the quality of education in the national, departmental (regional) and municipal regulatory framework in education policy and intervention programmes. There will be spaces for dialogue (forums, SAME, thematic roundtable events, webinars and others) on educational issues and problems in Bolivia, with the participation of authorities and decision-makers, civil society and the general population. Key to this will be the design and implementation of a Proposal Format - EVA - Project CO1 [7]. The permanent visibility of the platform in scenarios and spaces for dialogue and interlocution between authorities and civil society, such as radio and television programmes, pedagogical magazines, press articles, and others.

The first phase of the project was implemented in 2020-2021 with support from Education Out Loud of 267.277 USD.

Project facts

Project period

Project start
Project end
Project countries
Project budget
199.969 USD
Project contact
Miguel Marca Barrientos,