Woubibox in Burkina Faso and the local observatory of education quality in Senegal are two initiatives from civil society organizations. Read how they work and how GPE’s Education Out Loud and KIX initiatives supported them, with the potential to adapt them in other countries.

When OC3 alliances met to share their main learnings so far, the overall take away was, that If you want to achieve results in transnational advocacy, you must start nationally. Read why and how the alliances work to achieve this.

A Rede Nacional da Campanha de Educação para Todos em Cabo Verde - RNCEPT-CV - alcançou o que muitos pregam, mas apenas alguns praticam.

In May, 31 EOL partners working in the HESA region gathered for the very first time for a learning and sharing event in Nairobi - Kenya. "Little did I imagine I was going to learn so much from my peers,” said one of the participants afterwards.

At the May learning event in Nairobi, the partners the partners shared lessons learned from project implementation, interacted in-person, listened to each other, and had key learnings and takeaways from this engagement. We have gathered some of the key takeaways from 10 presenting partners.