Supporting the strengthening of educational governance in Guinea | Education Out Loud
OC1.3: Guinea

Supporting the strengthening of educational governance in Guinea

The project is part of Coalition Nationale de Guinée pour l'Education Pour Tous (CNG/EPT)’s influence of and commitment to the implementation of gender sensitive education policies for the emergence of a more favourable national environment. The coalition seeks to attain this objective through capacity building, monitoring, awareness raising, and advocacy for inclusive, equitable, and quality education.

Specifically, CNG/EPT seeks to support the development of a strong and influential civil society, capable of contributing effectively to the development, implementation, and monitoring of inclusive, quality, and gender sensitive education policies. To achieve these results, the project is designed around two main strategies: 

  1. Making the CNG/EPT a key player in the development and implementation of transformative education policies. 
  2. Promoting integrated approaches that mobilise school stakeholders and partners to build an environment conducive to children's learning and development.

The project constitutes a continuation of the previous project phase, implemented between April 2022 – December 2023, and is building on four main principles of implementation: 

  • Building on what already exist. 
  • Building a multi-player system. 
  • Leveraging proximity to strengthen local roots. 
  • Adopting action training. 

Overall, the project is expected to contribute to build inclusive, transparent, and effective education governance, which serves the population and a strong civil society influencing education policies to make them more inclusive and gender sensitive. 

The project implementation will include the following key activities: 

  • Advocacy efforts to address key issues related to gender and inclusion, such as the establishment of programmes to support schools for the deaf, mute, and visually impaired and for updating the national gender and equity policy. 
  • Quarterly monitoring of education policy implementation by focal points in 18 prefectures and 8 regions of the country. 
  • Organisation of 2 regional workshops on the planning, implementation, and monitoring of education policies for the coalition's branches. 
  • Creation of forums for quarterly experience and knowledge sharing between the stakeholders, including school supervisors, children's governments, teaching staff, local authorities, parents concerned in the project intervention areas.
  • Training 300 teachers to take account of the concept of gender and inclusion in their day-to-day teaching.

To ensure the sustainability of the project results, CNG/EPT will focus on building the capacities of local stakeholders, promoting inclusive and gender sensitive practices and justifying rigorous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to measure progress. Additionally, the project will engage key stakeholders, including school leaders, children's governments, teachers, local authorities, parents, civil society organisations working in education, local communities, and coalition members through a series of advocacy efforts to create expertise within the coalition on inclusion and gender issues. 

A previous phase of the project was carried out between April 2022 – December 2023. The current project is part of the EOL extension phase of 2024-2026. Read more about the previous phase of the project here.

Project facts

Project period

Project start
Project end
Project countries
Project budget
330.000 USD
Project regions
Project contact
DIAOUNE Mohamed,