OC1.2: Niger

Citizen engagement for inclusive and quality education policies in Niger

In the perspective of a continuity and the reinforcement of the assets, the Coalition ASO EFA maintains the same title as the previous phase of the EOL1 namely: "Project of Reinforcement of the citizen engagement in favor of the inclusive and quality educational policies in Niger".

Thus, this project aims to consolidate the commitment and participation of Nigerien civil society in the citizen control of government action in favor of the promotion of quality and gender-sensitive education.

It will pursue the dynamics of inclusion and collaboration with other organizations in a networking and alliance approach between civil society actors, notably through the active involvement of groups of young girls and boys, women, disabled people and other pressure groups working on cross-cutting themes to achieve the objectives of education (taxation, budget analysis, media, etc.).

To do this, the actions and strategies that will be carried out will guarantee the active involvement of youth and women; the mobilization of domestic resources through the improvement of the tax base; the consideration of education in emergency situations and in times of health crisis (COVID-19); the consideration of the gender dimension in the planning and budgeting of education policies and programs; advocacy and lobbying, social mobilization, action research and communication.

All of this should contribute to strengthening the accountability of policies to citizens and the respect of commitments in education in accordance with MDG4, the 2030 Framework for Action (CESA) and the Education and Training Sector Program (PSEF 2014-2024). The actions will also promote frameworks for learning and sharing good practices, strengthening the organizational and institutional capacity of the coalition and improving its leadership for sustainability and durability of achievements. The coalition will collaborate with the media (radio and television) to strengthen its influence and reach the maximum number of citizens in the advocacy actions.

The first phase of the project was implemented in 2020-2021 with support from Education Out Loud of 245.781 USD.

Project facts

Project period

Project start
Project end
Project countries
Project budget
281.584 USD
Project regions
Project contact
Braham Moumouni, asoeptniger@gmail.com