Global Campaign for Education
The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is working to build and strengthen a global civil society movement that stands to promote and protect the right to education for all, particularly the most marginalised.
This project is initiated in alliance with GCE’s regional coalitions Arab Campaign for Education for All (ACEA), Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) and Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación (CLADE). The initiative is working to hold states and the international community accountable for adequate education financing and providing quality education for every child, including at times of crises.
At a time when globally 222 million vulnerable girls and boys are affected by conflict, climate-induced disasters, forced displacement, and protracted crises, the realisation of the right to education is challenged. The aftereffects of the Covid-19 pandemic and related school closures are still felt, while gender inequalities in the education sector are worsening. Underfunding and large finance gaps in education are impacting the delivery of education, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
Therefore, this project addresses the urgency to adequately finance gender-responsive and inclusive public education, especially in times of emergencies, conflict, and crises.
GCE and its alliance partners will work on both regional and international solutions to better the allocation of investments made in education, and tackle climate change-related emergencies, conflicts, and combat tax evasion. These solutions require coordinated transnational, regional and global advocacy strategies, and can eventually contribute to the realisation of the right to education for all.
This phase builds on the efforts made in the previous project cycle between December 2020 – October 2023, and will this time around enhance the focus on capacity building of GCE members to promote evidence-based advocacy towards better allocation and utilisation of investments in education. The extension will also strengthen the links between national, regional, and global advocacy, while increasing CSOs’ influence in key education policy platforms for inclusive and transformative education systems.