Rapid Review Report of Education Out Loud's Operational Component 1

Global Partnership for Education
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In preparation for a GPE decision on extending EOL operational Component 1 to 2022-23, the GPE Secretariat commissioned a rapid review of OC1. The report was prepared in June-July 2021 and was submitted to GPE secretariat in August. You can read the full report on the GPE website (in English); summaries in Spanish and French are also available.

The rapid review focused on answering three main review questions related to the relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness of Education Out Loud’s Operational Component 1:

  • To what extent is the component relevant, appropriate, and aligned with GPE 2020 thus far and GPE 2025 moving forward?
  • How efficient are existing processes and available resources in implementing this component?
  • Is the component achieving its intended outcomes and, ultimately, objectives?

The report presents a summary of the main findings and conclusions on the three review questions, as well as the corresponding recommendations.


See the original post on GPE's website