OC1: National Education Coalitions


Strengthening Policy Response to Inclusive and Gender Responsive Education in Zambia (SPRInG)

Partner: Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC)
Through a participatory approach, involving a broad range of stakeholders, the SPRInG project will address barriers to marginalised children’s access and completion of education in Zambia.

OC3: Transnational alliances

Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe

The TRANAC Project

Lead organisation: Zimbabwe Network for Early Childhood Development (ZINECDA)
The project seeks to strengthen Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) networks and improve ECDE legislation, policies, strategies, and services in Southern Africa.

Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Girls Education Advocacy in the Region Phase 2 (GEAR 2.0)

Lead organisation: Students and Youth Working on reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWHAT), Zimbabwe
The GEAR project is working to create inclusive and equitable education systems for girls and young women in rural and farming communities in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Nepal, Senegal, Zambia

The Tax and Education Alliance (TaxEd)

Lead organisation: Action Aid International
The TaxEd Alliance is working to ensure adequate domestic financing of education sectors in Nepal, Senegal, and Zambia, and hold duty-bearers accountable to their commitments.