OC1.3 Sudan

Promotion of Inclusive, Lifesaving Basic Education in Emergencies in Sudan

Political tensions and instability, together with an economic crises and accelerated displacements in Sudan has added to pre-existing challenges of insufficient learning resources and supplies. The crisis has left children displaced and with constrained access to schools.

Through this project, Sudanese Coalition for Education for All (SCEFA) will support the Ministry of Education in establishing strategies for Education in Emergencies (EiE). The project is also aiming to support the development of quality education in Sudan, which has been witnessing vast deterioration leading to several negative outcomes, e.g. an increasing high school dropout rate, parents sending their kids to private schools, lack of motivation among students and teachers, incompetent school leaders, and absence of strategic plans and proper management.

More specifically, the project will seek to achieve three objectives:

  1. To strengthen the institutional leadership of the State Ministry of Education (SMoE) at strategic and school levels to respond to education needs in emergency situations.
  2. To enhance the capacity of SCEFA members and staff to be able to advocate and influence policy direction, planning, and monitoring of the educational situation.
  3. To advocate for inclusive, gender equitable education for all, focussing on displaced, children with disabilities, and marginalised groups, using campaigning and involvement of mass media.

Thus, SCEFA will address key issues hindering the development of quality education, namely:

  • Poor leadership and ineffective school management.
  • Lack of awareness and limited access to learning for displaced and conflict affected children.
  • Inadequate levels of quality learning combined with a poor school environment.
  • Lack of strategic influence in education by CSOs and active media involvement.

SCEFA will prioritise its relations and strategic engagement with the Ministry of Education at both federal and state levels, as a sustained approach in driving change and having enhanced institutional capacities, so that long term decisions and policies will be retained and applied.

Further, SCEFA will focus on community engagement and participation to provide more resources and support, to better develop the school learning environment. By also drawing on the experiences and support of CSOs and INGOs, many of whom are working under the same agendas and are actively engaging in the education sector, will help achieve the project objectives.

The Sudanese Coalition for Education for All consist of 55 entities of non-governmental organisations, syndicates, and unions working together for socio- economic development in target societies. SCEFA helps strengthen their capacities and implementation humanitarian, and protection interventions with an participatory approach at all levels of community, in order to defeat poverty and ignorance and achieve education for all, in a stable and safe environment.

An earlier phase of the project was carried out between April 2022 – December 2023. The current project is part of the EOL extension phase of 2024-2026. Read more about the first phase of the project here.

Faits sur le project

Période du projet

Project start
Project end
Pays du projet
Budget du projet
202.818 USD
Régions du projet
Contact du projet
Nagi Mansour Ahmed Ibrahim, scefasd@gmail.com