OC1.3: Madagascar

Civil Society Influence Project to Improve the Resilience of the Education Sector in Madagascar

The project aims at strengthening the commitment of national civil society in the development and monitoring of inclusive education policies, integrating the notion of gender.

Climate change, particularly cyclones, has had a disproportionate impact on marginalised and often neglected communities in the education sector: female teachers, young girls and people with disabilities. The project will use 03 platforms for dialogue in the inclusive education sector.
The plan is also to work with the Ministry of Population and Women's Affairs to rethink our styles mentalities about the denigration of women.

More specifically, the project will seek to achieve three main objectives by the end of the implementation phase:

  • Strengthening the education sector to address the need of national expertise, capable of considering the promotion of inclusive and gender sensitive education policies in light of the climate crisis.
  • The credibility of Madagascan civil society at national level has been promoted to facilitate synergies and initiatives to disseminate information on adapting the education system to climate change.
  • Enhancing the capacities in adaptation and resilience of the rural education community, promoting green communities and gender mainstreaming.

The project design is based on the challenges and opportunities facing the education sector and will promote the involvement of women and demand equal rights for vulnerable people. Additionally, three strategies will form the foundation of the implementation, namely capacity development in adaptation and resilience of the education system; knowledge management based on the credibility of civil society, social cohesion, and empowerment; and advocacy and dialogues on inclusive education policies.

The project is a continuation of the previous project phase, implemented between April 2022 – December 2023. By the end of the current phase, CONAMEPT expects to have contributed to:

  • The Malagasy education system's orientation law is improved to consider gender, inclusive education, and climate change as a result of the collaboration of the coalition and the national inclusive education platform.
  • A report analysing the situation of previous and current national strategies to combat climate change, gender, and the education system is available and disseminated.
  • Civil society organisations are strengthened and enabled to lobby for the adaptation of the education system to climate change.
  • The skills of female teachers in three rural communes in the Boeny region in the green community have been improved.

CONAMEPT will engage community-based organisations and networks in the project activities, as well as facilitate the collaboration of platforms and civil societies. The coalition will further work with a network of female teachers and the government, parliamentary chambers. and the private sector, heads of school districts and heads of educational administrative areas. The involvement of these stakeholders will ensure the sustainability of the projects impact.

A previous phase of the project was carried out between April 2022 – December 2023. The current project is part of the EOL extension phase of 2024-2026. Read more about the previous phase of the project here

Faits sur le project

Période du projet

Project start
Project end
Pays du projet
Budget du projet
346.765 USD
Régions du projet
Contact du projet
Huguette Rakotoarivony, labergeriermada@gmail.com