Educate HER 2- Promoting Gender Equity and Equality in Education in Liberia
Consecutive crises in Liberia, counting two civil wars, Ebola and most recently the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the country, and not least the education system. Already fragile, the education system now shows large disparities in the access to education and specifically demographic and developmental challenges have negatively affected gender equality goals and girls’ access to education. Liberia faces substantial inequalities in education due to gender, local-urban locality, and income inequality, with poor, rural girls and women at the greatest disadvantage.
Gender equality is an emerging area of priority in the Liberian education system, and some efforts have been made by the Government of Liberia to enhance access, equality, and equity in the educational sector. Among these is the recently launched National Policy of Girls Education (NPGE) 2021-2026 that has been developed by the Ministry of Education and its partners.
The Educate Her 2 project will continue the work of the previous project phase to ensure that the NPGE 2021-2026 will be properly implemented and monitored.
The project will work to increase the commitment of policymakers and create an enabling environment to allocate adequate funds to girls’ education. This will be done by enhancing evidence-based decision-making of policymakers and strategic engagements with legislators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to influence their level of commitment to implement the NPGE.
Further, Educate HER 2 is aiming to improve the monitoring and accountability of county and national stakeholders, by working to increase the capacities of school administrators and education officers in implementing and monitoring the NPGE and providing support for monitoring and accountability initiatives by education stakeholders.
The project is building on the previous phase of the Educate HER project, and will maintain the established relationships to key stakeholders, as well as build new relations to key partners.
The extension phase of the project will focus on two main areas of intervention:
Coalition building, policy engagement, monitoring, and accountability.
Mobilisation, civic engagement, and participation.
By combining the expertise and efforts of the two organisations, Educate HER 2 will work to ensure that the NGPE is implemented effectively so girls can get access to safe, quality education in Liberia.
A previous phase of the Educate HER project was implemented between July 2021 – February 2024 The current project is part of the EOL extension phase of 2024-2026. Read more about the first phase of the project here.