Continental Symposium on Research in Education in Africa
3rd GPE-KIX Continental Symposium on Research in Education in Africa
Theme: Building Resilient Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive Quality and Relevant Education in Africa
20th – 22nd November 2024 | Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia
Deadline for submissions: 26 June
As part of the KIX initiative, the KIX Africa 21 hub led by AUF, CONFEMEN and IFEF-OIF, and the KIX Africa 19 hub led by the Commission of the African Union, UNESCO and UNICEF ESARO, co-organize the 3rd edition of the GPEKIX Continental Symposium on Education Research in Africa. This event will bring together decision-makers, researchers and academics in the field of education to exchange essential knowledge on innovations, evidence and good practices to improve student learning outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly after the disruption of education systems caused by COVID-19.
The Knowledge and Innovation Sharing Mechanism (KIX) is a joint initiative of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). KIX operates through two main mechanisms, which contribute to strengthening national education
systems through relevant and actionable data:
- Knowledge Exchange: KIX creates spaces for GPE partner countries to share information, innovations, and best practices relevant to their needs and priorities, and disseminates knowledge generated by KIX-funded projects. Knowledge exchange is facilitated by KIX's four regional hubs.
- Applied Research Projects: KIX projects provide evidence, mobilize knowledge, and build the capacity of education stakeholders on how to adapt and scale up innovations that meet the education priorities of GPE partner countries. KIX brings together 70 low- and middle-income countries that are members of the Global Partnership for Education to identify common policy challenges and facilitate knowledge sharing and evidence accumulation. KIX is currently funding 36 projects in these 70 countries. To address educational challenges and bridge the gap between research, policy and practice in the region, KIX Africa 19 and 21 Hubs are organizing a joint research symposium to highlight research and evidence on improving the learning outcomes of students in their member states.
This new edition of the GPEKIX Africa Symposium will take place from 20 to 22 November 2024, in person, at the African Union Conference Centre and Office Complex in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Live streaming will be available via Zoom, allowing more participants to join.
With a theme "Building Resilient Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive Quality and Relevant Education in Africa", the symposium aims to:
- Bring visibility to research to improve student learning outcomes with national stakeholders in GPE countries;
- Promote learning and discussion among national policy actors, researchers and practitioners about evidence and research on improving learning outcomes;
- Promote the use of research in policy decision-making by national policy actors in GPE countries;
- Help bridge gaps between research, policy, and practice in GPE member countries.
- Promote the African Union’s continental theme for 2024 on the same topic.
The theme may be approached from multiple entry points, such as curriculum, assessment, pedagogy, teachers, inclusion, equity, policymaking, and practice. TVET, STEM Education, and issues around financing and strategic partnerships are also included. The year 2024 has been designated as the "Year of Education in Africa," providing a unique opportunity for the African Union (AU) to reignite commitment among its member states towards achieving the targets of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4).
This initiative follows several key declarations and calls to action, including the STC-EST4, AUHLSE Declarations, the Urgent Call for Action by the SDG4 High-level Steering Committee, and the UN Secretary General’s Vision Statement on Transforming Education. It dovetails with the AU Commission's proposed framework to urge governments and development partners to reevaluate educational and skills development models to create the future Africa desires in the 21st century.