Purpose and how we work

Education Out Loud supports civil society to be active and influential in shaping education policy to better meet the needs of communities, especially of vulnerable and marginalized populations.

By funding adaptive and learning-oriented practices to strengthen transparency, accountability and civic participation in education, Education Out Loud supports institutionally healthy, sustainable, and creative civil society organizations to be able to effectively advocate for education on behalf of the public interest.


This is what makes Education Out Loud different

Education Out Loud emphasizes learning of grantees and provides each grantee with up to one year of preparation time to analyze their context and build skills, and to develop strategies for monitoring, evaluation and learning before starting implementation.

To strengthen grantees capabilities, Education Out Loud will match them with learning partners to provide mentoring and training.

Education Out Loud also links with Global Partnership for Educations (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) by feeding into and drawing from learning networks at global, regional and country levels.


How Education Out Loud contributes to GPE's mission

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is dedicated to building stronger education systems in the world´s poorest countries in order to assure inclusive and equitable quality learning.

By financing the work of an informed and active citizenry to advocate for improved education, Education Out Loud, aims to support:

  • Education policies that are responsive to people’s needs
  • Increased political and civic support for education
  • Strong voice from the most marginalized communities
  • Improved, more informed and responsive education sector planning, implementation and monitoring.
  • Good governance of education systems leading to better alignment and better outcomes

A full list of GPE partner countries can be found here: GPE partner countries


How Education Out Loud approaches inclusion and gender equality

As GPE’s fund for civil society to influence education policies to better meet the needs of vulnerable and marginalized communities, inclusion and gender equality are at the core of EOL and related to all parts of the programme.

There are three primary issue-areas related to inclusion and gender equality in EOL:

  • Inclusive education sector dialogue: Gender responsive dialogue/policies.
  • Inclusive coalition and alliances: Promoting awareness and mainstreaming gender equality institutionally – also in advocacy and strategic plans.
  • Social inclusion and gender equality as thematic advocacy strategies: Promoting and tracking evidence generation, among other issues, in relation to girls’ education and gender equality.

Read more about how inclusion and gender concepts are implemented within Education Out Loud in the ‘EOL policy guidance note on inclusion and gender equality’.


The type of activities Education Out Loud fund

Education Out Loud funds activities related to these key areas:

  • Policy dialogue: participation of civil society in education planning and policy dialogue  
  • Public engagement: social mobilization, communications and campaigns supporting education  
  • Data and transparency: tool development to track public education budgets, program implementation and increase accountability  
  • Analysis: research on education challenges and policy implementation  
  • Strengthening civic capacity: regional and individual capacity support for education civil society/ advocacy groups at the regional, individual and/or peer learning levels  
  • Distilling of knowledge: strategic research conducted by 4 renowned research organizations across the portfolio: Institute of Development Studies, National Foundation for Educational Research, Right to Education Initiative, and University of Minnesota.

Read more about the type of grants that Education Out Loud manage here.