OC1.2: Mozambique

Strengthening Civil Society in monitoring Education Governance and policy analysis

The General Objective for this network under Education Out Loud is to contribute to inclusive, equitable, quality education in order to accelerate access and completion of basic education in the NSS through SC's engagement in budget advocacy, monitoring and analysis of education policies.

The expected impact is that Mozambican society, in particular children and youth of both sexes integrated in the NSS, will successfully complete the basic level and enjoy quality education without any type of discrimination through the efficient and effective performance of the Education Sector.

To achieve the expected results, the network's secretariat will actively engage with its members and with Youth organisations that are also members of the network to advocate for the realisation of the Right to Education, with particular attention to the most vulnerable groups, disadvantaged children, girls and victims of war and terrorism.

To consolidate the role of youth organisations, the network will design a specific programme for this target group, which includes training on advocacy and policy analysis, involvement in different campaigns led by the network's secretariat, as well as engaging them in dialogue with the Education Sector, including the Local Education Group-LEG.

In addition to the above groups, the network will involve parliamentarians in different activities, especially in monitoring schools, as well as in discussing the budget allocated to education, so that they become advocates for increasing the education budget using domestic funds.

One of the major results of the previous phase of the project was the work carried out with and in the media, so the secretariat will continue to disseminate its actions and broaden its base of radio and television spots, with specific messages for the different target groups of this project. It is also important to highlight that the inclusion component will be one of the strong aspects of the project.

To this end, the network will strengthen its advocacy for greater implementation of gender specific plans and programmes in the education sector and in schools in particular, as well as in the implementation of instruments in the area of disability and special educational needs.

The first phase of the project was implemented in 2020-2021 with support from Education Out Loud of 221.301 USD.

Project facts

Project period

Project start
Project end
Project countries
Project budget
224.958 USD
Project contact
Isabel Francisco da Silva, executivo.mept@gmail.com