Promotion of quality and inclusive education for all in a lifelong learning framework
Through this project, Alliance of CSOs in Tajikistan (ACTE) aims at promoting quality, inclusive and gender responsive education for all learners by enhancing CSO capacities and effective policy advocacy, in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 4.
The main objectives of the project can be divided in three:
Improving the capacity of ACTE members in gender responsive education and advocacy.
Sustaining advocacy engagement of ACTE at local and national levels to influence policies for inclusive and gender responsive education.
Strengthening network of education advocates to ensure transformative education policy in Tajikistan.
To achieve these objectives the primary strategy will be to strengthen ACTE’s membership with continued capacity building, expansion of members in hard-to-reach areas, ensuring representation from marginalised communities and ethnic groups.
ACTE will ensure that gender is mainstreamed into all project interventions by building capacities of members to analyse education sector plans from a gender perspective, advocating for a gender just right to education for all, and emerge as a strong network of education advocates at the national level, with a strong representation of vulnerable communities.
ACTE will mobilise resources and technical expertise to ensure accountability, transparency, and social responsibility by regular reporting on the progress of education to the local communities. The coalition will focus on the provision of quality education to different marginalised groups through transformative education and enabling skills for life with special focus on girls' education, adult learning and education, youth empowerment, and people with special needs across the country.
This project is a continuation of the previous project phase, implemented between April 2022 – December 2023. During the past phase ACTE gained valuable experience in expanding its membership, being involved in policy processes of Sustainable Development Goal 4 implementation, and promoting policy processes for inclusive education.
During the current project phase, ACTE will continue to implement the following strategies to obtain its overall goals:
Becoming more inclusive as a coalition. This includes ensuring equal rights for all within ACTE across gender and ability.
Increase policy influencing, technical, and organisational capacities.
Increase influence in formal education policy processes.
Generate lessons learned and establish learning collaboratives.
NECs are active in monitoring and accountability mechanisms of public national education.
By the end of the project implementation, ACTE is expecting to have contributed to:
Coalition members have contributed in national education policy formulation and advocacy.
ACTE engaged in policy dialogue, mainly on preschool education in collaboration with other civil society actors.
ACTE is recognised as a national level education platform to influence transformative education policies in Tajikistan.
In designing the project and interventions, ACTE met with members of the coalition to take into consideration their suggestions. Thus, strategies addressing the needs of gender minorities and children with special needs have been developed, underpinned by evidence of coalition members, and this will ensure the longevity of the project outcomes.
A previous phase of the project was implemented between April 2022 – December 2023. The current project is part of the EOL extension phase of 2024-2026. Read more about the previous phase of the project here.