Promoting Gender Equity and Equality in Education in Liberia
Liberia is ranked 176 out of 189 countries on the UN Gender Inequality Index. Poverty, discriminatory social and gender norms, lack of sexual health and reproductive rights, and high levels of sexual and gender-based violence negatively affect girls’ access, retention, and completion of secondary school in Liberia. There are substantial educational disparities due to gender, rural-urban locality, and income inequality in in Liberia, with poor rural girls and women being at the greatest disadvantage. Girls are not only denied their right to education, but they are also severely limited in improving their life chances and claiming their other human rights, including that of a sustainable livelihood.
Educate HER is a stand-alone project focused on ensuring the effective implementation of the National Policy on Girls Education.
Our Vision: All girls have access to safe, quality education in Liberia
Our Advocacy Focus: The Effective Implementation of the National Policy on Girls’ Education (NPGE) by 2023.
The Educate HER website serve as a public online database for relevant research, policies, local and national trends, and stakeholders in girls’ education. The website will provide a space for stakeholders to access disaggregated data needed to inform school policies and gender-specific programming and accelerate the implementation of the National Policy on Girls Education.
The NPGE recognizes the gender disparities in the education sector and the need for the sector to prioritize gender mainstreaming and take affirmative action for girls’ education. The effective and efficient administration of the NPGE will significantly reduce barriers to girls’ education in Liberia.
The Educate HER Coalition is led by three women-led organizations with a strong focus on women’s rights, and women’s transformative leadership:
The project will be guided by following principles:
- The Involvement of Women and Girls: We will build the capacity of local women’s groups to serve as local actors. As local actors, they will develop and implement their own action plans.
- Their Voices will be Heard: The voices of women and girls will guide the action. The most marginalized women and girls will actively engage and set recommendations before policymakers at the county and national levels
The Coalition will build strategic partnerships with civil society organizations, donors, women's rights groups, autonomous social movements, and media institutions to:
We believe that:
- If we conduct capacity building, awareness, partnership development, coalition building and policy engagement activities; then we will be able to mobilize a cohort of diverse actors at various levels and sectors to effectively advocate for the full implementation of the policy.
- If we build sustainable system for evidence-based decision-making based on monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning, then adequate supports and funding for policy implementation will be provided by education stakeholders and
- If these supports and funding are provided, then we would have contributed to the effective implementation of the NPGE.
For more information, contact us at:
c/o Helping Our People Excel (HOPE), Inc.
Tubman Boulevard/Sophie’s Junction, Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia
Email: info@educateherlib.com
Website: www.educateherlib.com
Facebook: Educate HER Liberia