OC1.3: Togo

Project to support quality and equitable education for children in Togo (PAEQET-TOGO)

The education system of Togo is marked by a strong demand for education at all levels. However, high disparities in school retention, completion, and transition persist, and insufficient inclusive policies and a lack of adequate funding challenges the sector. 

This project, led by Coalition Nationale Togolaise pour l’Education Pour Tous (CNT/EPT) aims to reduce disparities in the education system through the appropriation and improvement of laws and policies, as well as strengthening civil society to be active in evidence-based advocacy and monitoring. This shall lead the coalition to obtain the overall project objective of contributing to the improved provision of inclusive, quality education for enhanced access and retention of girls and marginalised children.

To achieve this overall goal, the coalition will continue to take part in dialogues on education policies, set up citizen monitoring frameworks at national, regional, and district level to improve the quality and equity of education, keep girls and marginalised children in the education system for as long as possible, and build the capacity of civil society organisations in the area of citizen monitoring.

By establishing regional and district citizen control frameworks, the state commitments will be monitored at various levels of the education system and will enable civil society to keep these rights holders accountable, as well as ensure the access to inclusive, quality education, and enhancing the retention of girls and marginalised children in the system.

More specifically, the main objectives of the project can be divided in two:

  1. A strong and inclusive civil society influences the implementation of education policies through citizen control.
  2. The education authorities strengthen the legal provisions and their application with regard to quality and inclusive education by 2026.

The project is continuing the previous project phase, implemented between April 2022 – December 2023. By the end of the current project phase, CNT/EPT is expecting to have contributed to:

  • The coalition promotes access to inclusive and equitable quality education for girls and children from marginalised communities and sets up citizen control frameworks at national, regional and district level.
  • Civil society, including children's and young people's organisations, strengthen their capacities on the themes of quality education, gender, inclusion and citizen monitoring.
  • Law N°2022-020 on the protection of learners against sexual violence in Togo's schools is known, disseminated and applied by the supervisory body.
  • Education texts and laws take better account of the elimination of gender disparities and promote the protection of children and young people.

The coalition will draw on key lessons learned from the previous project phase and ensure focus on strategic alliances to achieve successful advocacy campaigns, and good collaboration with authorities to ease the mobilisation for advocacy work and political dialogue.

A previous  phase of the project was carried out between April 2022 – December 2023. The current project is part of the EOL extension phase of 2024-2026. Read more about the previous phase of the project here.

Project facts

Project period

Project start
Project end
Project countries
Project budget
388.126 USD
Project regions
Project contact
Gnakou Essodeyouna, gea.cntept@gmail.com