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Education Out Loud component OC3 aims to create a stronger global and transnational enabling environment for national civil society advocacy and tr

The educational system in Egypt suffers from Lack of Gender-sensitive policies and protection mechanisms capable of eliminating all forms of GBV in

Solomon Islands is a small Island state of approximately 1,000 Islands in the South West Pacific.

Tanzania has been striving to provide education for all to its citizens in response to the fight against three enemies namely: ignorance, diseases

This project aims to ensure Government Commitment to Global and national Policy on Education For Accountability and Gender Inclusivity Iimplemented

The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a major setback not only in education but on the overall development strides in Vietnam, and elsewhere in the world

The overreacting goal of CAMPE’s Education Outloud-Advocacy for Social Accountability project is to strengthen national civil society engagement in